The Polish Orthoplastic Society (POS) unites specialists representing the leading national centers dealing with complex reconstructions of multi-tissue musculoskeletal defects, especially with the use of microsurgical techniques.
It is a surgical discipline that includes specialized surgical techniques requiring enlargement of the operating field, usually with a microscope. Thanks to the use of microsurgical techniques, it is possible to treat small structures, including the fixation of vessels and nerves.
It is a combination of comprehensive techniques in the field of orthopedics and plastic surgery, enabling the simultaneous, effective reconstruction of multi-tissue defects, especially concerning limbs that prevents unnecessary amputations.
the optimal form of treatment that gives the best functional and aesthetic results
fast and effective recovery
prevention of disability
The Polish Orthoplastic Society (POS) was established in order to promote and develop orthoplastic surgery in Poland as a comprehensive and effective treatment philosophy.
The foundations and statutes of the Society can be found below:
Zgodnie z zapisami Statutu Towarzystwa Członkiem zwyczajnym może być lekarz, posiadający prawo wykonywania zawodu lekarza w Polsce, specjalista lub w trakcie specjalizacji z ortopedii, chirurgii, chirurgii dziecięcej lub innej specjalizacji, po wyrażeniu woli współdziałania w realizacji celów Towarzystwa w pisemnej deklaracji i przyjęciu przez Zarząd Towarzystwa.
Candidate obtains support from two current members of the Society from different centers.
The Management Board of the Society adopts a resolution on admission to the Society within 3 months from the date of submitting the declaration.
Zgodnie z uchwałą nr 7 o wysokości składki członkowskiej Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Rekonstrukcyjnej Narządu Ruchu z dn. 3.12.2021 roku składka wpisowa wynosi 200 zł/rok, natomiast kolejne składki członkowskie wynoszą 150 zł w każdym kolejnym roku kalendarzowym.
The doctor has only one task - to heal the Patient.
A crush injury may result in limb amputation, properly planned and implemented reconstructive treatment may preserve the limb with its optimal function.
Post-traumatic segmental defect of bone and surrounding soft tissues is a challenging therapeutic problem. Depending on the clinical situation and experience of the team above mentioned can be treated with microsurgical techniques, Masquelet's method, bone transport according to the Ilizarov method.
Treatment of periprosthetic infections complicated by a soft tissue defect is a challenge for orthoplasty, and it is successful to cure the infection while maintaining optimal limb function.
Replantation - the surgical reattachment of a completely amputated part of the body with restoration of blood supply, innervation and function.
The use of orthoplastic techniques in the treatment of multi-tissue defects after oncological resections allows for biological treatment without the need for prosthetics.
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